
About Us

Experience You Can Count On

Our vision is to partner in the development of thriving people and organizations, by increasing leadership capability across Africa.  

We partner at a strategic level across public and private sector organizations, we also provide immediate, tactical solutions, meeting clients where they are at. 

We are licensed to provide services in the following tools: Insights Discovery, Enneagram,  Leadership Versatility Index (LVI) 360, Hogan, PNI (Psychoneuroimmunology). 

We are also licensed to  facilitate programs on behalf of MindGym Training Consultants, UK.

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We are interested in supporting people and organizations with greater self-awareness, management skills, and leadership development that unlocks strengths and creates better, more sustainable opportunities to manage and prioritize meaningful growth; preparing for what comes next.


Our Team

Our team is led by Egbe Oyegun-Adeoye. With over 20 years of corporate experience in multinational corporations across Africa, middle East and Europe;  Egbe left corporate on a high note, as MEA Director responsible for Talent at a global top 100 company. 

Egbe is energized by the opportunity to contribute in ways that are sustainable and effective.  She is a master process facilitator and an executive leadership coach. She comes with deep knowledge and experience in Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging management. She is a talent, learning & people development expert.